• Enduro is a mountain bike discipline that combines technical and physical ability of both downhill and cross-country mountain-biking.
• The Enduro race takes place on a circuit with a variable number of special stages. The special stages are mostly downhill, but can also be uphill. These stretches uphill, but do not form more than 10% of their total length and course. Measured sections are designed to test complex racing skills.
• The overall ranking is obtained from the sum of the times achieved in the special stages.
• X-mountain crossings from one SS to another are not timed. However, there are deadlines for each competitor to complete the crossing. In addition, the referee sets a maximum limit that will be known before the race starts. Competitors arriving to the finish outside the maximum time will be automatically disqualified from the race.
• The maximum number of starters is 250.
Enduro x race is open to all competitors. Registered and unregistered.
Categories are divided as follows:
XRace cadets 12-16 years
XRace men U 21
XRace women U 21
XRace men Elite 21 - 34 years
XRace women Elite 21 - 34 years
XRace men Masters 35+
XRace women Masters 35 +
Men Elite Women Elite
1. 300, - eur 300, - eur
2. 200, - eur 200, - eur
3. 100, - eur 100, - eur
• Departure takes place in groups of 1, 2, 3 or 4 competitors, every 15, 20, 30 or 60 seconds Depending on the number of participants, it is up to the start commissioner's discretion. Transit times allow competitors to continue in small groups.
• The route can be inspected 24 hours before the start.
• Participants must comply with the rules of action and traffic regulations, in particular with regard to sections that are under full traffic.
• During the SS, you must be sporty and have a faster competitor overtake.
• Each competitor must be completely self-sufficient during the race, including repair and / or replacement of bicycle parts;
To make your registration you need to go to www.enduroxrace.cz via the form
If you wish to be able to compete together with your team or your friends, we recommend that you register all in a row at the same time.
Check-in is possible untill April 27, 2022, the fee is 1 950,- Kč.
After this date, the entry will only be possible at the reception of the race on Saturday or Sunday, with a fee of 2 100,- kč.
Registration will only be considered valid if the registration fee is successful. Payment of the registration fee will be confirmed by e-mail to the address you provided on the submitted form during registration.
The registration fee for www.enduroxrace is not refundable.
Individuals who sign up are responsible for themselves and for their actions, and for any consequence that they have incurred, and for good have renounced any claim for compensation to the event organizers, sponsors, promoters, and all people associated with the organization of the event.
• It is forbidden to change the frame, fork and wheels for the duration of the competition.
• The bicycle must be in perfect condition and fully functional. Participants who do not meet this requirement may be excluded from the contest.
• It is necessary to wear a fixed bicycle helmet during the whole race, both during crossings and during the SS.
• When driving in the timed SS it is obligatory to wear an approved full face helmet, gloves, knee protectors and approved back protector (backbone) or backpack with integrated back protector.
• A competitor without a helmet will be disqualified.
• Two types of helmets are allowed. Lighter XC version of the X-Mountain helmet and full-face helmet during special stages.
• Each competitor must be completely self-sufficient and not receive any other assistance throughout the race.
• It is recommended that each participant approach the competition according to their individual technical skills and physical training.
• It is recommended that you take your mobile phone with you so that everyone can be contacted or everybody can contact the organizers during the event if needed. During the briefing, the organizers will announce the phone number to which you can contact in case of emergency. The telephone number will also be printed on the schedule that each participant will have printed on the bike. Furthermore, we recommend that everyone have a backpack with tools, a pump, a spare tube, enough fluids, a basic functional first aid kit and a rain jacket.
• Enduro track runs in the terrain where mud, stones, steep climbs, descents and other highlights emphasize the technical aspects of mountain biking. This can be sections that are dangerous and generally not suitable for beginners y or untrained riders.
• The track is marked with an inscription and arrows and some sections are marked with a signal tape. Reducing the track even unintentionally means instant disqualification.
• In the event that a competitor accidentally falls outside a section marked with a signal tape, he is obliged to re-enter the race at the same place and restore the broken tape. If the competitor fails to do so, he will be disqualified.
• The organizers must ensure that, of course, the track is fully and definitively marked, including the start and finish of each individual SS at least 24 hours prior to the start, so that the contestants can make a tour of the track and free practice.
• It is forbidden for all participants to make any adjustments to the course during the event, the organizers reserve the right to change the course without prior notice in case of emergency, such as weather or safety during the event.
• It is forbidden to be transported or towed by motor vehicles during the race.
• Start and finish of the race and each SS will be marked. Each competitor must cross the starting line according to the official timing and schedule. A competitor who crosses the starting line either late or will be penalized.
- At each start and finish of each SS, the organizer of the race will be present.
• Competitors will enter the race at intervals of about 15-20-30 or 60 seconds. The intervals will be determined by management and communicated before the start of the race. Competitors may not depart from the starting point on the SS at the time specified in the schedule specified by the organizers.
• If a competitor is on the SS before the scheduled time, he must wait behind the start line until his start time indicated on the schedule.
• Seats will be closed for traffic and pedestrians throughout the race
• At the beginning of the SS, a space must be created for the riders who are waiting for their start time according to the schedule.
• The start time of the race must be announced by the management at least 1 hour before the start of the race, except in exceptional circumstances. The start times of each competitor for the SS are as scheduled. The staff charged with the start will make sure that the contestants have followed it.
• A racing official may be briefed up to 30 minutes before the first competitor's scheduled start.
• Such a practice is important in that last minute changes can occur and it is important that all competitors have accurate race information. We encourage all participants to attend the briefing in their own interest.
• In the event of an accident, each competitor is required to assist other competitors in distress or difficulty and, if necessary, to provide first aid.
• Management reserves the right to penalize or disqualify competitors who do not comply with such a rule.
• Competitors who have withdrawn for injuries must inform the race management.• The competitor who provided assistance during the race and exceeded the maximum time limit will be allowed to continue the race.
• In order to provide assistance to injured athletes, the SS may be suspended and the competitors will continue after the recalculated timing or the incriminated SS may be canceled and the competitors will proceed to the next.